Forside -> Arrangementer -> Arkiv -> Mobile Services

På vej mod "Truly Mobile Services"

Arrangementet er afholdt
(blev afholdt onsdag, 21. februar 2007, kl. 14:00-16:30)

Mobile Sevices spiller en større og større rolle både i arbejds- og i fritidslivet.

Vi har i anledning af den ordinære generalforsamling 2007 sammensat et program bestående af Johan Winbladh fra DR og Kristina Höök fra SICS (Swedish Institute of Computer Science).

Arrangementet afholdes i den nye DR-Byen i Ørestaden.

Johan Winbladh, der er Kanalredaktør, Mobil hos DR Nye Medier og TV, vil som repræsentant for DR berøre følgende emne:

  • Mobilmarkedet i Danmark - status og tendenser
  • Muligheder og begrænsninger med mobilmediet
  • Brugerne, deres behov og adfærd
  • Mobilmediet som del af et tværmedielt mediemix - cases fra DR
  • DRs redesign af mobilportalen til det mobile internet (

Kia HöökKristina Höök er leder af SICS interaction lab. Derudover er hun professor i Human-Machine Interaction ved Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (del af Stockholm University og Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)).

A mobile service is often a portable window to some remote content, for instance e-mail or
web pages. Other mobile applications are still based on data that is primarily stored and/or
created on the mobile device, such as MP3 players and digital cameras. As networking becomes
an integral part of mobile devices, we will see many more services that are based on
always-on connectivity, where locally stored content and on-line activities mix.

This is just the start. The next step in this evolution is what we can call truly mobile services –
services that exploit intrinsic properties of mobility, for instance access variability, ad-hoc
meetings with other devices, context awareness, access to information dependent on geographical
location, and positioning relative to other users or resources. We also note that users bodies
becomes a more important interaction arena when we are truly mobile as we cannot rely on
mouse and keyboard and users' undivided attention.

This new space, a mixture of the real and the digital allow for many different kinds of social
and information services: we can share photos and music on the spot, leave digital notes behind,
play games that involves people and places here and now -- a Mobile 2.0 setting. Bodily interactions
using gestures or picking up on users' activities through sensorreadings off their bodies can be
used for many different applications, such as sports, affective interction and similar.

In this talk, I will try to cast light on this new space through showing a range of example
mobile services developed by the Mobile Life team: Lars Erik Holmquist and his group, Oskar
Juhlin and his group, Annika Waern and her group and my own group. Together we have recently
formed the Mobile Life center in Stockholm that has obtained a 10 year grant from a Swedish
funding organisation (VINNOVA).

Mobile Services

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