Forside -> Arrangementer -> Arkiv -> Smart textiles


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Speaker: Lena Berglin, Swedish School of Textiles, Borås
Time: 10.15-11.00 (talk) + 11.15-12.00 (hands-on and informal chat)
Place: Lille Auditorium, IT-Huset, Åbogade 15
Host: Martin Brynskov, Center for Interactive Spaces, University of Aarhus

Lena Berglin is an industrial PhD in interaction design at the Swedish School of Textiles in Borås, Sweden. Lena combines technology and textiles into smart conductive textiles, where sensors and technology are weaved into the textile, for instance as textile microphones, wireless data communication, and for measuring EKG, muscle activity, breathing frequency and more. Lena has a background as a textile designer, interaction designer, engineer, and as consultant within both IT and textiles. She is mostly working with extreme workplaces and has national and international cooperation with for instance the fire department, the healthcare sector, the military and extremely cold environments.

During her talk, Lena will present her latest research, new materials, and new possibilities for textiles. After the talk, it will be possible to meet with Lena and experience some samples.

Read more about Lena here (in Swedish):
"James Bonds nya Q finns i Borås"
Smart textiles

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