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-> IT i Udviklingslande
Trådløs IT i udviklingslande
Arrangementet er afholdt
(blev afholdt tirsdag, 4. marts 2008, kl. 12:00-14:30)
Det næste møde i NiBF handler om IT i udviklingslande; konkret med afsæt i hvordan man med meget lave omkostninger kan bygge simple lavteknologiske netværk og skabe udvikling gennem øget adgang til kommunikation og uddannelse.
Vi er glade for at præsentere et nordjysk publikum for it-eksperten, fysikeren, musikeren, "multikunstneren" Sebastian Büttrich, der blandt meget andet har arbejdet med non-profit it-udviklingsprojekter, såkaldte Wireless Roadshows, i lande som Tanzania, Indien og Nepal.
Teknologien, filosofien og ideologien bag disse projekter er godt beskrevet i onlinebogen Wireless networking in the developing world. Se også og naturligvis Sebastian Büttrichs egen introduktion til foredraget nedenfor.
Arrangementet finder sted på Lauritzens Plads 1 i Aalborg, hvor KMD venligt stiller faciliteter til rådighed. Deltagelse er gratis, men af hensyn til bestilling af forplejning er tilmelding påkrævet senest fredag den 29. februar 2008.
Sebastian Büttrich taler dansk, men af hensyn til ikke-dansk-talende publikummer, vil den overvejende del af foredraget foregå på engelsk. Sebastians egen introduktion til foredraget kan læses her:
Wireless networking in the developing world
Wireless networking in the license exempt frequency bands around 2.4 and 5.8 MHz, known as Wifi, plays an important role in developing countries where it is often the only feasible way of creating network infrastructure. 
Stretching the limits of a technology initially meant for home/office use, the current world record for wireless long shots currently is at 382kms.
Community wireless activist around the globe are building inexpensive networks, allowing for local communication as well as voice over IP.
This movement is accompanied by initiatives towards open knowledge, open hardware and a general culture of open sharing. Open source / free software, sustainable energy and local ownership are pillars equally important in this movement.
This talk will present networks from Asia and Africa, explain the technology behind mesh networking, and present capacity building programmes, aiming at multiplying the experiences made in those projects.
Sebastian Büttrich
- is a generalist in technology, research, development and education
- with a background in scientific programming, quantum physics and music
- with internet experience from 1989 and professional net/web development, consultancy and management experience from 1994 on - as technology strategist, technology department leader, project leader, developer, software architect, system administrator, and last not least instructor / trainer.
- Internet Technology at large.
- Wireless networking.
- Free software / open source.
- Voice over IP / Internet telephony.
- Teaching and Collaborative Workspaces.
- Project Management.
- Physics.
KMD A/S, Lauritzens Plads 1, 9000 Aalborg (vejviser)