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-> Studenterpris 2008 Studenterpris 2008
Arrangementet er afholdt
(blev afholdt tirsdag, 26. august 2008, kl. 13:00-16:30)
Arrangementet forventes afholdt på Auditorie 1, ITU, Rued Langgaardsvej 7, København
- Studenterprisen er igen i år sponsoreret af:

Foreløbigt program
Using RFID Technology for Patient Safety in Operating Rooms
Jakob Bardram, IT-Universitetet i København
Within healthcare, RFID is being suggested as a promising technology for tagging and tracing medical equipment, clinical personnel, medicine, and patients. But despite the apparent hype being generated, very few specific and successful examples of the use of RFID within healthcare actually exist. Based on a concrete case of deploying RFID technology for limited use inside an operating room, I will in this talk try to provide a slightly more balanced view on the use of RFID within a medical setup. As part of the Student Award event, focus in the talk will be both on the human factors associated with the handling of RFID technology, as well as how our experiments were carried out as part of two master's thesis projects.
SPOPOS: Tracking and informing people on the move in indoor spaces
John Paulin og Lone Malmborg, IT-Universitetet i København
SPOPOS is an ongoing project deploying an integrated location-aware service system for passengers, airlines and airport management. The system is expected to be operational in 2009 in Copenhagen Airport, using RFID and Bluetooth detection that tracks mobile phones, passenger badges and trolleys. In this talk we describe the motivation behind the design, the technology, the design process, and user reactions. An initial web survey that was made of levels of acceptance and possible privacy concerns among potential users showed that 74% of 803 respondents were positive, and only 7% negative, towards a so-called Gatecaller application that directs individual passengers to the gate when it is time to board. Subsequent passenger surveys at Copenhagen Airport found that only 5% had a sense of being under surveillance while 60% reported that the Gatecaller made them feel more secure. Feedback from airport personnel and travellers is now being used to qualify the final design decisions.
RFID 2.0: Requirements towards the internet of things
Morten Borup Harning, RFIDsec
RFID technology is an important component in what is known as "Internet-of-thing". A number of innovations must be in place to enable this vision. A new generation of RFID must be designed to make it possible to share not only the costs but also the benefits of attaching !RFID's to a wide range of physical products. Furthermore to facilitate the expected growth of RFID deployments, the design must make it possible for all involved parties to contribute to the value of the global population of RFID tags in much the same way Web 2.0 have opened up for user driven content production. The challenge will be to create a decentralised system, that allows everybody in the value chain to contribute, with everything that this entails.