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-> Simplicity
Advanced simplicity workshop
Arrangementet er afholdt
(blev afholdt fredag, 1. februar 2013, kl. 14:00-16:00)
Giles Colborne er en stjerne på området usable design. Han har flere gange været indbudt taler på UPA-Internationals konferencer. Han var den ene af to hovedtalere på German UPAs konference i Konstanz i september 2012, hvor næsten 700 deltagere hørte hans foredrag om "Driven to distraction".
Rolf Molich har hørt Giles flere gange og er begejstret for indhold og form i hans indlæg. Det er lykkedes Rolf og bestyrelsen at overtale Giles til at besøge København udelukkende for at holde foredrag for
Arrangementet afholdes på ITU, Lokale 4A16, Rued Langgaardsvej 7, København
Advanced simplicity
Ask anyone - would you like your life to be simpler? - and you'll get the same answer. But in life, and design, simplicity is an elusive goal. This workshop explores what simple design really is, why we love it, and how you can achieve it in your projects.
There'll be plenty of tips, hands-on exercises and a chance for you to try out your ideas.
Layers of user experience
It's hard to define what's really 'simple'. This leads critics of simplicity to argue that it's a false or impossible goal. I'll provide a simple model of user experience and discuss what that says about 'simplicity' in user experience
Simple, True, Good
Why do we want simplicity in life and make choices that lead us to create over-complicated designs and, often, to buy things we know are too complex? What are the biases that shape our attitudes for and against 'simplicity' and how can we reset them to come up with better design solutions?
We'll look at why some users are biased towards 'complexity' and ask: is it ever possible to create designs that satisfy both types of user?
Attention and distraction
We'll look at the problem of distraction, how it makes experiences feel complex and what you can do about it.
I'll introduce some strategies for designing for simplicity and explore their strengths and weaknesses. I'll show how each strategy is best deployed at different points in the product lifecycle and why.
About Giles Colborne
Giles is author of Simple and usable web mobile and interaction design published by New Riders in 2010. He has been working in usability and user centred design since 1991. He formed cxpartners with Richard Caddick in 2004 focusing on creating outstanding user experiences and measurable changes to projects and products.
Giles is a former President of the UK Usability Professionals’ Association and now sits on their Global Advisory Committee and International Conference Committee. He has worked with British Standards Institute in developing guidance on web accessibility.
You can read some of his thoughts on this website and at Simple and usable